Sand Northrup is a clown and circus artist who shared her skills with kids at ArtStart Saturdays for two free sessions open to the public on Saturday. The youngsters tried their hands at feather balancing, juggling, rola bola and plate-spinning. When you look at the photo, use your imagination to add the sound of a seal barking.
Sand's show is the first of four free workshops for school-aged kids at the ArtStarts Studio at 808 Richards in downtown Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Here is ArtStart's vision (which I copy from their web site for your reading pleasure):
ArtStarts envisions a society where the arts are regarded as an essential part of educating young people and a catalyst for creating innovative, engaged and contributing members of society. ArtStarts in Schools has a leadership role in transforming the way children and youth are engaged, in and through the arts, and in promoting the value of the arts in young lives.
ArtStart's mission
ArtStarts In Schools provides innovative arts programs for young people, practical resources for teachers and artists, and leadership in advocacy for arts in education.

Drumming with Fana
Saturday, February 28 at 11 am and 1 pm
Join master drummer and balafon player Fana Soro in this hands-on workshop where each child gets the use of an authentic African drum and learns basic rhythms and songs.
Bhangra Music and Dance
Saturday, March 28 at 11 am & 1 pm
Learn the dance form that has energized audiences across the world with its hard-hitting beats with South Asian Arts. This dynamic duo will get young people and their parents dancing in a fun and interactive atmosphere.
Stringing Them Along!
Saturday, April 25 at 11 am & 1 pm
Have you ever seen a string dog and turtle climb a string Eiffel Tower and fly away on a string bird? Storyteller Anne Glover gives you a fistful of string tricks and a new respect for your shoelaces. No dexterity required! "All-thumbs" welcome!
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